Berichten met de tag performance
How to take resilient action on challenging moments

Maybe you can relate to this: you want to (or have to) do something quite challenging, which you haven't done ever before. And you get in your own way. You know you are probably able to pull it off, but something is just holding you back. For instance, your self-confidence is just lacking a bit of spark at the moment. Or you’ve recently made a mistake, in public or otherwise, which has made you a little more insecure and vulnerable. Whatever the case: you need a boost in your mental game…if you want to do that one brave thing. Here’s to get this show on the road.

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Veerkrachtig in actie komen als je iets spannends moet doen

Misschien heb jij dat ook: dat je iets spannends moet doen, wat je nog niet eerder hebt gedaan, en dat je jezelf dan een beetje in de weg zit. Dat je eigenlijk wel weet dat je het zou kúnnen, maar dat het ergens anders aan schort. Bijvoorbeeld dat je zelfvertrouwen net even wat minder is. Of dat je onlangs een mispeer hebt gemaakt, al dan niet publiekelijk, waardoor je je wat bewuster bent geworden van je kwetsbaarheid, en daardoor wat, nou ja, minder fris in je hoofd. Minder vrij en onbevangen. Maar dat is er vaak juist wel voor nodig. Om moedig dingen te kunnen doen.

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How to boost your performance by exercising, and training your brain

Integrating the habit of exercising daily is vital for self-care. It benefits your performance in other areas also. Besides the widely known advantages of exercise boosting your energy, while the brain releasing happy chemicals like endorphins that trigger a positive feeling, there is also another way your performance and exercise intertwine - and you can use this to your benefit, if you’ve previously struggled to accomplish something you’ve been trying on multiple occasions, to no avail. I’m talking about a nifty combination of purpose, habits and inspired action.

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Getting ready for performance after summer recess

Have you achieved what you were aiming for during the first half of 2021? Whether you have or you haven’t, Summertime is a good moment to assess where you’re at right now, and how you’d like to proceed in the upcoming months after Summer recess. I like choosing a different moment than the New Year to set my goals and planned actions anyway. Because if something didn't work out, it can be challenging to think that you didn’t perform well ‘just that one day’ instead of considering your off-day as being one big failed whole year, right off the bat. Let’s dive in a bit deeper.

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