What's the most effective way to prioritise your tasks (and goals)? I’ve been using this particular practical hack to prioritize tasks, and I’ve come to realize that this also works wonders for protecting your offline time, and to do other things than, for instance, doom scrolling in turbulent times. I’ll share the tip with you today, and who knows, perhaps it might also work for you. And what if, without complicated situations, you could know every day of the year that you are 100% sure you are working on the right thing? Let's dive in! Play the cover image to listen on Spotify.


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Geen probleem! Here you go.


When I was fourteen years old, my parents died within five months of each other. 
Long story short: it was horrible, I felt lonely as hell and had absolutely no idea what to do. I had to start my life from scratch. In this book, I share 24 true stories about what happened during the 15 years after becoming an orphan.

These stories are particularly valuable for people around orphans. It answers questions such as:

✔ What should I say to an orphaned child?
✔ Is it healthy for my children to hang out with their orphaned friend?
✔ What can I do for an orphaned child in my own community, without making promises I can't keep?
✔ What are essential things an orphaned child needs?
✔ How can schools respond more appropriately to an orphaned child's needs?
✔ Should we change anything in our municipality for orphans?
✔ Why is it that we don't really know about these orphans in our Western communities?

This book is published in the Netherlands and has reached influencers in Ireland, the UK and the US as well.

There are approximately 8 copies of this books available. If you’re interested in purchasing a copy, please reach out to me via e-mail, and I’ll get back to you.