Creative resilience: making a difference
The universal laws of resilience correspond to a large extent with the core principles of creativity and innovation. The dynamics of resilience is almost the same. Only the starting point and end point deviate. In innovation projects, the starting point is a pressing, challenging puzzle. A puzzle is a lot easier to handle than a Big Problem. Solving it leads to an even better result than you ever could have imagined if you had just thought ‘let’s come up with something creative’.
Innovation and resilience almost have the same driving dynamic. Think about it: creating something useful and new…or rising above hardship. It takes the same amount of creativity and effort.
Resilience and innovation intertwined
Both resilient and innovative organizations share the same essential core competencies. Being able to anticipate on continuously changing circumstances for instance, and to always proactively learn. This means you don’t wait for the big bad red alarm signal, that major event that ‘invites’ you to thoroughly revise everything you did and knew thus far. Because if you wait for a big surprise, it’s usually going to be a bad one. Which is no bueno.
Learning how to be more resilient in innovative projects, is a valuable skill that helps you make smarter decisions, act from your sense of purpose, and create ideas and results that make you feel super proud.
Because not only will you have completed a series of tasks, and adapted to changing circumstances. You will have changed something significant, possibly also in the lives of other people.
The road to resilient innovation
It is a road of paving your own way. And it is enormously helpful when you don’t have to pave it all by yourself. If you have an ally who wants you to succeed in your mission, someone who helps you improve the core concept of this project, this helps you significantly in achieving unforgettable results.
I created The Brave Changemaker Program and The Creative Achiever Method especially for idealists, protagonists and organisations who crave extraordinary ideas, and unforgettable results.
I know how it feels. The good AND the bad.
On numerous occasions, I have experienced myself that life happens while you're busy making other plans. As a 14-year-old, my parents died. I had to stand on my own two feet, without family, without a safety net. Building a better life for myself was a tough, long, and lonely challenge. It also brought me the most precious lesson I could ever wish for:
You can always do things by yourself, on your own terms, because you want to see a big difference. In yourself, in the world.
All projects that I ever created come from this intrinsic source. I learned to create from experience and resourcefulness, in order to build creative solutions for urgent issues. The ingredients for this are CLARITY, RESILIENCE, CREATIVITY. And good friends, and a little bit of luck.
It is so valuable to have clarity and focus, and to be able to rely on your source of resilience. To do work that is so close to my heart, and to be able to provide this to my clients generously.
Creativity, resilience and empathy are essential assets you need in order to instigate meaningful change. These assets provide you with fresh ideas, and solutions for challenging situations and worthy goals.
If you and your organization would like to make clarity and focus a priority, and want to make impact with purposeful projects, I’d love to help you make this happen.
Grow from being overwhelmed conscious professional with ideas and ideals,
to being a brave, creative, resilient changemaker with meaningful results.
Nothing is stronger than an idea that’s ready for the world.
In FAST TRACK, I share insights and tips on creative performance, working in Design Sprints, creative concepting and getting momentum in your projects.
Expect wholehearted posts about dealing with creative hangups (perfectionisn / imposter syndrome / procrastination, and more).
Quality for insiders. For pros who nurture extraordinary ideas and aspire results worth celebrating. Projects the world needs right now.