"Jojanneke creates inspiring learning journeys."
- Martèn de Prez, CEO A New Spring BV. Organized the Most Inspiring Learning HJourney Award. (Jojanneke won the silver award)
"Jojanneke's course in Online Communication Strategy and Social Media provides me, while learning at my own pace, a complete picture of the possibilities of online communication and all do's and don'ts. With all Jojanneke's online and offline enthusiasm, technical knowledge and humor, this program is a great (and fun) way to gain knowledge, build skills and share experiences."
- Caroline Verhees, Vivaz (Netherlands)
"I met Jojanneke when I was in her program on Online Communications and Social Media. Jojanneke is an enthusiastic, creative and driven professional. She encourages people to think outside their comfort zone. She dares you to do things you have not previously done or that you find exciting. Jojanneke's creativity was reflected in the brainstorming sessions we have had. Jojanneke moves easily in organizations, switches roles, activities and projects of all participants, is jam packed with ideas and sees a lot of opportunities."
- Janneke Hartemink, communications advisor, Utrecht University, Netherlands
"Being in Jojanneke's online program was like having a relaxed talk at her kitchen table. But every time, you discover that you have learned a whole lot in just ten minutes time."
- Stephanie Vigh, Steph-Communication
"Jojanneke is a phenomenon. She's a creative and enthusiastic trainer who inspires and challenges. Because of the unique program I did with Jojanneke, I've upped my skills as an online communication and social media adviser! I can well integrate online and offline communication and I have more fun in my business now."
- Inge Pastoor, independent senior communications consultant